As of currently, only guest artists or moderators may create FeatherLights with restricted mutations


Floopy Ears

A mutation resulting in defective ear cartilage.
FeatherLights with this mutation must “secure” their ears during powered flight.


Round Pupils

A mutation that resulted from populations no longer being predominant hunters at night.
FeatherLights with round pupils will have a slight disadvantage seeing in dim light, but an advantage in bright open areas.


Alternative Wing Shapes

Alternative wing shapes such as, soarer, or gull may result from a mutation.

Malformed (Cherub) Wings

A mutation resulting in useless, small wings in feral form.
FeatherLights with Cherub wings are unable to fly, or unable to fly well.



A mutation causing in an extreme shortening of the tail.
The result it a tail similar to that of a Chicken’s.
No fur is present on this type of tail


Green Blood

Green blood is still carbon based but contains a bile that is extremely toxic when consumed (please don’t eat FeatherLights)

Green blood produces green scars no matter what color the flesh is.


Feathers All-Over

This is just as it sounds.
This mutation results in NO fur being present, and instead feathers over the entire coat.