Species Information Page

What is a freakhound?
A freakhound is a canine sub-species that is commonly found in alpine and tundra habitats.
They are large, long, and have a double coat to keep them warm.
Their tails have evolved into rudder like appendages and commonly sport keratin protrusions or “spikes”.
Freakhounds have extremely long ears compared to that of other living canines and a mane similar to that of manned wolves.

Freakhounds can reach quite impressive speeds and use their rudder like tails to steer and cut.
They also commonly have a dark eye marking under/around one or both eyes. This is thought to reduce “smear” at high speeds. It may also help reduce glare from snow.
Freakhounds are also known to have excellent endurance akin to that of modern day wolves on long hunts.

Freakhounds commonly sport at least some tail “spikes”, darker “socks”, a darker tipped mane, and dark colored mouths.
Some freakhounds have been known to also have tufted ears, tails, and extended manes (manes that come forward up onto the forehead)


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