001 Awoohe (Awoo-Hay)
Grass type starter
Dex: Awoohe can be found in damp forests. They tend to stick to the underbrush and come out in the rain.
They absorb moisture through the fern on their head
002 Wuruhiwan (woo-ru-he-whan)
Grass type starter
Dex: The evolution of Awoohe.
Wuruhiwan can be quite territorial. It can often be found strengthening it’s teeth by ripping off tree bark.
003 Rahkowl (Ra-kawl)
Grass type starter
Dex: The evolution of Wuruhiwan.
Rahkowl can sneak up on just about anything.
They travel and hunt at night, and use their camouflage to sleep during the day.
004 Splatafoot (Splat-a-foot)
Water type starter
Dex: This docile creature is slow moving and appears to pose little to no threat. It is in danger of habitat loss due to human development and its quiet nature.
005 Mizutara (Mi-zu-tar- ah)
Water type starter
Dex: Evolution has pushed this “Poke”mon to become fast moving and very aggressive. They use their tails to slap the water as a scare tactic to ward of anything that approaches their water.
006 Plytohonu (plie-toe-hon-uu)
Water type starter
Dex: Connected to the earth, Plytohonu took on the qualities of the land itself in order to protect it. It is said that is got those scars from human machines.
007 Ortox (ore-tocks)
Fire type starter
Dex: Ortox are stubborn hard headed little critters, capable of both quadrupedal and bipedal locomotion.
008 Brumbovine (Brum-bow-vine)
Fire type starter
Dex: Brumbovine are still getting used to their legs, but that wont deter them from trying to kick you. They also love to run at people and hard objects with their horns.
009 Piezoxen (pie-zox-in)
Fire type starter
Dex: Thanks to its love of running, Peizoxen can move so fast that it generates electricity in it’s mane.
Mixed with the heat produced in it’s horns it is said that it can produce plasma.
010 Bunookie (Bun-uu-key)
A quick footed Pokemon. This Pokemon can jump from tree to tree or signal other Bunookie with it’s powerful legs.
011 Pitwee (Pie-twee)
Dex: A michevious little bird type Pokemon. They love to steal all sorts of items and just cause havoc.
012 Pukecorvo (pooh-keh-core-vo)
Dex: The evolution of Pitwee.
These large birds are fiercely loyal their trainers and will use their tall powerful legs to fight off opponents.
013 Cassawraith (kass-a-wraith)
Dex: The evolution of Pukecorvo.
It is rumored that a Cassawraith holds the record for the highest flying Pokemon. Its streamers resemble an airplanes contrails.
??? Boto (bow-toe)
Dex: The baby dolphin Pokemon.
Boto never stray far from their pod. Their skin has an iridescent shine in the light.
??? Bulampoon
Dex: The evolution of Boto
Bulampoon can accelerate to such speeds in the water that it can launch itself in the air and fly for short distances.